Gluten Free Vegan, Grain Free

Tempeh Reuben

Hii y’all, I’m back!!!! It’s been centuries, or so it feels. You know how life can get crazy and before you know it it’s been over half a year since you posted a recipe? Gosh. As you may have noticed, Strawberries and Sage is now officially A Heartful Harvest! Strawberries and Sage needed a name change. It served its purpose for years when I was going through my strawberry craze phase (it’s OK, I still LOVE dem strawberries 😋). So nothing against the S&S name itself, I just had outgrown it, in a sense. More importantly, though, I feel “A Heartful Harvest” more accurately reflects my food ideals, which is driven by my compassion for the suffering and wellbeing of my fellow animals, and feeling strongly opposed to causing any harm to any living being. Oxford dictionaries definition of Heartful best echos how I feel about eating and using animals –

Characterized by deep emotion or sincerity of expression; genuine, sincere, heartfelt. Of an emotion: deeply or acutely felt; intense.

I think everyone would agree with me if they allow themselves to just be heartful. If people would put themselves in the places of the innocent animals that are tortured and slaughtered every second because of the demand for animals foods. If they truly opened themselves up to feeling what those animals feel, the pain, the despair, the terror…everyone in the planet would be vegan. If people were heartful of the fact that in today’s world, most of us have access to plant based foods, making murdering animals for food completely obsolete…everyone would be vegan. Humans are not meant to get sustenance from animals anyhow, but that’s a topic for a whole other post!


Today I’m sharing a recipe for a mostly grain-free tempeh reueben which can be eaten as a starter or feautured as the main entree. It may not look like much, but tempeh is very substantial on it’s own, providing 15 grams of protein for 1/2 a cup! The fermented soy (tempeh), and the fermented cabbage (sauerkraut) are a gut-loving duo, so eating this will benefit your tummy- and therefore your overall health.

You can, of course serve this within two slices of vegan, gluten-free bread and eat it more like a traditional reuben…and feel free to add tomato, leafy greens, sprouts, whatever you fancy. For serving as an appetizer, I’d cut the tempeh into cubes and put a toothpick in the center of the stacked cube and voila!


Tempeh Reuben

Vegan, Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Nut-Free Recipe

Serves: 2-6


•8oz tempeh, original or flaxseed
•Vegetable broth or grapeseed/avocado/canola oil
•Fresh thyme leaves, optional

{Maple Mustard Sauce}
•Maple syrup
•Dijon mustard


Splash a couple tablespoons of vegetable broth or oil in a medium sautĂŠe pan over medium heat. Cook tempeh for 2-4 minutes on each side.
Stack tempeh and sauerkraut and garnish with thyme.

For the maple mustard sauce mix equal part maple syrup and mustard. Drizzle over tempeh. Serve warm or cold. Enjoy!

Bread, Breakfast

Rustic Pumpkin Bread


vegan gluten free pumpkin oatmeal bread

This healthy pumpkin oat bread is comforting and delicious.

vegan pumpkin bread

Sometimes, not often but every once in a blue moon one of my “brain fog moments” happens for the better. Like the time when I forgot a major ingredient in a bread recipe and thought it was doomed for good only to find out it was the best tasting accident ever.

I’m so glad we forgot the milk in the original recipe and decided to change a few of the ingredients to make it acceptable for all my allergy, health, and nutritional needs, AND to my liking. We were pleasantly surprised with the final product – a surprisingly moist, and incredibly yummy pumpkin loaf! It has a nice hint of lemon, and is reminiscent of carrot cake, which I love. This recipe is going to be a go-to of ours from now on. It’s such a comforting treat for someone who can’t have sugar, gluten, dairy, etc, etc…and yet by the taste and texture you’d never guess this was allergy-friendly at all!!

the best pumpkin bread

Rustic Pumpkin Bread

Vegan, Gluten-Free, Refined Flour-Free, Refined Sugar-Free, Nut-Free, Soy-Free, Yeast-Free

Yield: 1 bread loaf

{recipe adapted from: A Rented Kitchen}


2 cups gluten free rolled oats, ground to a flour
1/4 cup xylitol, vegan cane sugar or coconut sugar
3 tsp chia seeds or flax seeds, ground or whole (optional)
1 heaping tbsp gluten-free baking powder
1½ tsp pumpkin pie spice
3/4 tsp salt
1½ cups pumpkin puree
1/3 cupunrefined coconut oil, softened or melted, or grapeseed oil
1/4 cup coconut nectar, brown rice syrup, or maple syrup (or more granulated sweetener of choice)
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
3/4 tsp apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice
1/4-1/2 tsp fresh lemon zest

optional add ins: ~1 tbsp walnuts/pecans, pepitas, hemp seeds, golden raisins
optional toppings: pepitas, walnut/pecan crumbs, lemon zest, coconut


Preheat the oven to 415˚ and lightly spray/grease a loaf pan or line with parchment paper. Blend the whole rolled oats in a food processor or high powered blender until you have two cups of fine powder oat flower. Combine the oat flour, xylitol, chia/flax, salt, baking powder, and spice in a large bowl and mix until blended. Add the wet ingredients in with the dry, mix together until well combined. Pour the batter into the pan and sprinkle optional toppings. Bake for 20 minutes at 415˚, then reduce heat to 395˚ and bake for an additional 25 minutes. It should be about 40-50 minutes total. If toothpick comes out clean it’s ready. Allow to cool for 30 mins. Enjoy!